Monday, January 4, 2010

Prophesies and Other Red Herrings!!

...from our earliest memory we have been in the question:"what will happen to us?"The problem with that thinking is that we become de- facto candidates for others who are only too happy to take over our lives.They may be religions ,governments,self -appointed gurus, new age cults or even peers including family,but the result is always the same,we have given away our power!
The proper question to ask is "what kind of world do I want for myself and mankind?" 3rd. Density is nothing more than a "high school" play of the cosmos wherein we eventually discover that we are all actors as Shakespeare said.
The difference is that the ending has not been written yet and must be done by us as individuals.There are prophesies based on potential that are interesting but not conclusive.The trap is that we may buy into the prophesy in order to belong and give our power away once more.
As Einstein implied a 4th. Density world cannot be created with 3rd. Density thinking.Following some self appointed pied piper on a big ego trip up another mountain to talk to indigenous people means nothing!The Great Gathering is happening in the Quantum Field not in yet another ceremony or ritual!!

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